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Found 22 results for any of the keywords project biotekt. Time 0.007 seconds.
BIOTEKT - Bio Architecture - Building The Future - Green HousesBIOTEKT is a unique combination of old, new technologies and sustainable construction methods. Green housing solution for the 21st century.
08 Technology - BiotektBIOTEKT structural shells are made with twenty first century composites technology: the New Age of building materials used in Aerospace and Marine applications that are incredibly strong and light, and will last for cent
03 Colfibrex - BiotektWe are proud to say that while COLFIBREX has pioneered the initial design and provided some great natural solutions, BIOTEKT has elevated the vegetation surrounded habitat to high end levels of Structural and Living Comf
04 What is Biotekt? - BiotektThe latest leading edge technology for earth contact structures is a modular construction system, manufactured with composites, designed to be covered with earth and vegetation. We offer living spaces that are:
09 Design - BiotektOur systems are modular and have been designed to adapt to your needs; There is an endless range of possible variations in design that can be formulated to fit almost any project.
02 About Us Our Story - BiotektWHO WE ARE | WHAT WE DO | CONTACT US
10 Sustainability - BiotektThere are FOUR main factors which determine a buildings sustainability:
11 Authorized Agents - BiotektWHO WE ARE | WHAT WE DO | CONTACT US
06 Oasis (systems-1) - BiotektWHO WE ARE | WHAT WE DO | CONTACT US
07 Building - BiotektThe new way to build, high tech composites made from recycled materials and structured earth berming systems are in a class of their own in the modern housing and building industry. Materials that will last for centuries
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